
The Christ-Centered Store, Christian-owned
and operated since January 1998, is a
leading web-based shopping mall focused
exclusively on Christian-related products
such as art, books, music, apparel, and
jewelry plus Christian services such as
education and website promotion. Our
gifts and services are provided to you by
trusted Christian merchants who meet
only the highest standards of excellence.

The Christ-Centered Store possesses
top ten search engine rankings in the
world's best search engines. In addition,
our site can quickly and easily be found on
the World Wide Web by typing any of the
following domain names into the address
bar of your web browser:


The Christ-Centered Store maintains world-
class internet connection speeds. Our site
runs on a blazing fast Silicon Graphics
server which utilizes a UPS power backup
and diesel backup generator. Our dedicated
server also has 24/7 network monitoring
and a 99.9% guaranteed uptime. As an
advertiser, you can be assured that
potential customers will find your website
fully functional and quick to view.

You can feel secure shopping from the
Christ-Centered Store, for we are members
of the Netcheck Commerce Bureau.
The Netcheck Commerce Bureau was
established to promote ethical business
practices worldwide and to increase
consumer and corporate confidence in
purchasing products and services on the
For additional security, feel free to
check our company out through
the Better Business Bureau.

If you would like to contact our company,
please call us 1-919-528-7777 or visit our
contact us page to find out how to e-mail,
fax, or write us.
For more information on advertising with
the Christ-Centered Store, please view
Marketing Overview.
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